The start of the end?

Perhaps, but one single event doesn’t create a mass change.

Iowa state Rep. Andy McKean announced Tuesday he is leaving the Republican Party and becoming a Democrat due to his misgivings over President Trump.  Does this mean that he’s a traitor?  Perhaps in the mind of Trump, as he has already accused the Dem’s as being treasonous . . . . .

In a direct quote from McKean, he said, “With the 2020 presidential election looming on the horizon, I feel, as a Republican, that I need to be able to support the standard bearer of our party. Unfortunately, that’s something I’m unable to do.”

For some background, Andy McKean  was first elected to the Iowa Legislature 40 years ago ad has described Trump as a bully who “creates a breeding ground for hateful rhetoric and actions.” He has also publically criticized Iowa’s GOP as having grown too conservative.

Political monkeys are already flinging the proverbial brown stuff around both houses as the infighting becomes inflamed, but does this really indicate the end of a current political system as more defections look in the future? It’s hard to say considering that the overall political environment has changed drastically thanks to the amount of bullying that has been going on since the 2016 election process.

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